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Security Settings

Set up your security preferences, see platform changes, and block contacts in Security Settings. 

In this article

  • Audit Log
  • Login Settings
  • Blocked Contacts

Audit Log 

View changes made in the platform in Settings > Security > Audit Log. The audit log tracks changes made to major platform features. 

The log displays: 

  • Date & Time - The date and time the event took place according to the viewer's timezone (as indicated in their profile). 
  • Event Type - Whether the event was modified, created, or removed. 
  • Location - The part of the platform where the change took place. 
  • IP - The IP address of the user who made the change. 
  • User - The user who made the change. 

Understanding the Event Types  

There are three types of events: 

  • Created - Something was added to the platform, such as a department. 
  • Modified - Something was changed in the platform, such as a department's name. 
  • Removed - Something was deleted from the platform, such as when a department is deleted.
Audit logs show the event types, the location of the change, the user who made the change, and the IP address that the change occured from.

Click on the caret (‘>’) to expand the log. Log information differs by feature. 

A newly created Sequence Bot log. Along with general chatbot information, the log also shows the bot’s ID (indentifierCount). 
 Some logs show JSON data when a change has been made. This log shows a Custom Attribute’s changes in the config row. 

The audit log does not track granular changes such as if a new branch was added to a Sequence Bot or a Business Rule, messages sent to and from the Dashboard, and edits made to an agent’s profile including an agent’s active status. 

Login Settings

When you first set up Acquire, you may want to enable your login settings in Settings > Security > Login Settings. The login settings you may set up are: 

  • Two Factor Authentication - Optionally enable two-factor authentication for logged in users. 
  • Authorized IPs - Optionally set a specific IP address that users can log in from. 
  • Whitelisted Domains - Optionally set the approved domains for the Widget. 
  • Single sign-on (SSO) - Set your SAML configuration. 

See a detailed guide for Login Settings→

Blocked Contacts

See a list of blocked contacts.

Contacts may be blocked via: 

  • Email address 
  • Phone number
  • IP address 

Please note these contacts are only blocked via the Acquire instance. You may need to block the contact via your internet or phone provider in addition to blocking them in Acquire.


Blocks may last a month, a year, a custom time, or forever. 

See a detailed guide for blocking contacts→

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