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  • Editing Default Messages

Editing Default Messages

Use Default Messages to easily manage what text appears in the widget by default. Customize your greeting, button text, and more! 

In this article:

  • Setting Default Messages
  • Editing Default Messages
  • Translating Default Messages

Setting Default Messages

Head to Settings > Messenger Setup > Chat Widget. In the Default Messages tab, modify the following widget text:

  • Greeting appears at the top of the widget when the launcher icon is clicked
  • Team Intro appears below the Greeting. Use it to encourage the visitor to ask a question or make a selection.
  • Conversation is the header for the chat history section
  • New Conversation is the text that appears in the button for starting a chat
  • Launcher Text controls the button label if you use a Regular launcher icon
  • Message Placeholder is what shows in the text area before visitors begin typing. Write a helpful suggestion such as “Send a Message…”




Editing Default Messages

Edit default messages to reflect your brand guidelines and audience needs. To edit a default message, click on the three dots ('...') and select 'Edit'. 

A menu will appear displaying the Default Message and Custom Message. Edit the Custom Message with the text you would like displayed.

When you’re done editing the message, press Save.

Translating Default Messages

Acquire supports translation into multiple languages. You can also write custom translations to better communicate with your visitors.

To add a translation, press the plus button (‘+’) on the language tab. Choose one of the 27 supported dialects and languages.

Direct translations are provided by default. To create a custom message, write your translation in the Custom Message text field. 


When you’re finished adding the translated message, press 'Save'.

You just edited or translated default messages. Now you can engage with even more customers!

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