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  • Set Up a SendGrid SMTP

Set Up a SendGrid SMTP

SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that allows you to send emails without maintaining a server. Connect SendGrid with Acquire to start sending emails securely. 

In this article: 

  • Generating SendGrid Credentials
  • Connecting with Acquire 
  • Verifying the SMTP Configuration

What you’ll need:

  • A SendGrid account. If you do not have an account, please create one first before proceeding with this guide. 

Generating SendGrid Credentials

Sign up for a SendGrid account or retrieve your SendGrid username and password. You’ll need your SendGrid username and password to generate a SendGrid API Key.

If you already have your SendGrid’s login credentials or an API key copied somewhere, you may skip to Step #3. If you did not copy your SendGrid API Key earlier, then SendGrid will not allow you to view it again. Follow the steps below to generate and use a new SendGrid API key.

Step #1

First, log in to your SendGrid account with your login credentials (username and password) and press ‘Log In’. 

Expand the Settings section from the left navigation bar.


Click on the API Keys option from this list.


Step #2

If you generated any API keys, you’ll see them here. To generate a new one, click on ‘Create API Key’.


You’ll need to input the following information:

  • API Key Name: Name your API key. In the example below, we’ve named our key ‘Test 2’.
  • API Key Permissions: Select Full Access.

Finally, click on ‘Create & View’.


Copy your API key by clicking on it. Save it somewhere safe — we’ll be using it later. Click on ‘Done’ once you’ve saved your API key.


Connecting with Acquire

Step #3

Log in to the Aquire Platform, click on the Settings > Email Setup > SMTP tab.

 Next, click on the Create SMTP.

Step #4

Enter the SMTP name in the ‘SMTP Name’ field and select ‘Service Type’ as ‘SendGrid’ from the drop-down menu.


Next, enter the following information into the newly generated fields:

  • Enter your SendGrid API key in the API key field.
  • Input your Sender Name and Sender Email. Finally, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Your SendGrid SMTP is now set up and ready to use. 

Verifying the SMTP Configuration

Acquire gives you the option to test your SMTP setup immediately after configuration. Verify if emails are dispatched from the server by sending a test email to yourself. To test your SMTP, go to Settings > Email Setup and select the SMTP tab.

First, click on the three dots (‘...’) beneath the ‘Action’ heading. Select ‘Send Test Email’ from the drop-down menu.


 Enter your email address as the recipient in the SMTP Email field.


Finally, click ‘Send Email’.

You will be notified once the test email is successfully sent. An email should also appear in the specified inbox.

Having trouble? Reach out to or check out SendGrid’s help docs.



Tom Warda

Date :


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