Amazon Lex Bot
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Connect an Amazon Lex Bot to Acquire to use trained responses in your widget. Lex Bots can be deployed by Business Rule or called in by other chatbots in your widget.
In this article:
- Configuring an Amazon Lex Bot for Acquire
- Integrating an Amazon Lex Bot
- Deploying an Amazon Lex Bot
Configuring an Amazon Lex Bot for Acquire
Amazon Lex allows you to create multiple bots, but only one bot can be connected to Acquire at this time. You can connect an existing bot or create a new one for use in Acquire.
In the bot editor, under 'Fulfillment' you must select 'Return parameters to client' to connect it with Acquire.
In the Lex Bot editor under 'Add Message' you can choose 'Custom Markup' and enter webhook variables used in Acquire such as visitor_name, visitor_email, and visitor_phone.
Once a bot is built and published, you can integrate it with Acquire.
Integrating an Amazon Lex Bot
To integrate your Amazon Lex Bot, you'll need to gather:
- Bot name
- Bot alias (located under Bot Settings > Aliases)
- AWS region
- Secret key
- Access key
To view your secret key and access key, head to Amazon IAM Service > Delete your access keys. Click on 'Manage Security Credentials'.
Select 'Get Started with IAM Users'.
Enter a new 'User name' and check the box named 'Programmatic access'.
Now, you can add the user to an existing group or create a new group. Click on 'Create Group' to create a new group.
Give a new name to the group and add permissions of 'AmazonLexReadOnly' and 'AmazonLexRunBotsOnly' and then click on 'Create Group'.
Next, 'Add tags' if you'd like or just click 'Next'.
Review all the information and press 'Create User'.
Your 'Access key ID' and 'Secret access key' will appear on the next screen. You can also download a CSV file to save these credentials.
Once you have those parameters, in Acquire go to Chatbots > Third Party Bots. Click 'Install Bot' under Amazon Lex Bot. Click 'Install', review the app permissions, and then click 'Authorize Access'. Complete each field using the parameters you gathered from AWS. Optionally, you can add a bot name and icon under 'Bot Identity' before clicking 'Save' to complete the integration.
Deploying an Amazon Lex Bot
Deploy your Lex Bot by setting a Business Rule.
Once the Business Rule is live, your Amazon Lex Bot will be available in the widget.
Still having trouble? Reach out to support@acquire.iol.
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